Contact details
Questions about an order?
Postal address: Postbus 65, 2460 AB, Ter Aar, The Netherlands
WhatsApp: +31 6 25030062
One In Him Foundation Int.
Account: 9057994
Swift code: BBOKUS44
Wire/routing number: ABA103003616
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Frequently asked questions
Do you have questions about Johan Toet Ministries? See below the most frequently asked questions about everything concerning Johan Toet Ministries. Can’t find what you’re looking for? Fill in the contact form and we will help you further.
The mission of Johan Toet Ministries is: preach Jesus. With this they respond to the command of God, which can be read in Mark 16:15-18: ‘Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature, heal the sick, raise the dead, cast out demons.’
They do this by holding large open-air campaigns worldwide, distributing free books, and offering support to relief projects.
Johan Toet was born in 1971 in the Schilderswijk in the Hague, where crime was the most normal thing in the world for him and his family. After a longstanding career in crime, through which he had come in contact with the Justice Department, the curtain finally fell for him in 2002. He was sentenced both domestically and abroad to a total of 15 years in prison for drug trafficking.
In 2005, Johan had a supernatural encounter with God in a Portuguese prison cell where he had been detained since 2002. This set him on fire and led to his whole family coming to Jesus. After 10 years of detention, he was released in 2011. Since then he shared the Gospel of God’s unconditional love wherever he can.
Brenda Toet was born in Amsterdam in 1969. She grew up as the eldest daughter of a teenage mother in a loving family. In 1996, she meets Johan Toet and they live the crime life together. Eventually, Brenda is arrested in 2002 and after having been detained in a Portuguese prison cell for two years, she is allowed to walk. Nine years later, Brenda gives her life to Jesus and her life is never the same again.
Johan’s books have radically transformed the lives of tens of thousands already. We don’t want anything to stand in the way of receiving the Gospel.
Matthew 10:8 says: ‘Freely you have received, freely give.’
If there is one thing that is important in the body of Christ, then that is that the hands are folded together to be able to build God’s Kingdom without limitations. Jesus says in John 4:37: ‘One sows and another reaps.’ It’s a collaboration. In this way, he who sows can rejoice together with he who reaps. When you give to this ministry, you are pulling people out of the darkness together with us and this fruit will also be added to your account and we will rejoice together!
Connect your finances to the winning of souls. Become part of our ministry and take part in its fruit.
It is of course possible that you want to change your partnership. Contact us via the contact form and we will make the change.
During the One Mission of the One in Him Foundation, campaigns are organized in which you are involved as a participant of the trip. You can register yourself for a One Mission via the One in Him Foundation.
All donations to Johan Toet Ministries are used to build God’s Kingdom. If you want to bless Johan and Brenda personally with a donation, you can do that with a bank transfer:
J. Toet | NL49RABO 0321 3400 94 | BIC (SWIFT): RABONL2U | Croeselaan 18 3521 CB Utrecht
Johan Toet Ministries is part of the One in Him Foundation. Johan Toet Ministries focuses on evangelization through open-air campaigns, events and the distribution of free books. The One in Him Foundation has the focus on discipleship through One Mission, Bible studies and events.