True Prosperity



When you have the desire to make a serious difference in the world for God’s Kingdom without lack, then True Prosperity is a book that you must have read.

It will help you to discover how you can start walking in a life of generosity and abundance. It’s not just a book that’s about money. It describes the genius plan of God of reaching the world with His Gospel. It contains the keys to come out of a life of lack and start walking in a life of true prosperity.


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True Prosperity


Johan Toet








One in Him Foundation


How grateful I am to God for a new book about the subject True prosperity. Biblical prosperity contains many personal aspects of our Christian life, but also of the church as a whole. As with the whole truth out of the Word; when you know the truth, the truth will set you free. This book will help you to become free from years of toiling to survive. It will help you to become free from the power of mammon. It will help you to live a life of abundance which God has destined you for; a life of fulfillment and impact on the world around you. I believe that this book will reach and inspire all kinds of people; those for whom this teaching is still fully unknown, and others for whom a completely new light is shed on it. I believe that out of the revelation of God’s Word about prosperity and blessing a whole new generation of Kingdom builders will rise up. People who discover their mission to start building the Kingdom in the Netherlands out of God’s rich blessing.
Ben Kroeske
The River Amsterdam
In True Prosperity Johan Toet gives beautiful education about finances, stewardship and your own heart condition in a refreshing way. Powerful Biblical principles, alternated with personal testimonies out of the life of Johan and his wife Brenda. No matter which background you have, I want to encourage everyone to read this book. For I believe that this book not only gives new insights, but especially that it also will be a blessing for each person and their immediate surroundings. It is highly recommended!
Chris Tims
Hour of Power

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