Going on a mission trip; leaving for another country and bringing the Gospel. It has been happening for years, but what are the fruits of it? After all those visits from different people, is anything happening? In October and November of 2024, two groups traveled to Brazil and could answer that question for themselves.

The type of mission trip

About 40 participants left from Schiphol Airport last month for São Paulo, Brazil, under the banner of the One in Him Foundation. After a preparation event, they were immediately thrown into the deep after arriving in Brazil. At One in Him, it’s not just about stepping out, which is an important factor, but personal growth is in the first place. That means that you receive teachings, prepare devotionals, and have a lot of quiet time to grow in faith. It also means that you hear five minutes before arriving at the rehab clinic that you may share your testimony. Put on the spot? One in Him sees it as stepping out of your comfort zone and letting the Spirit lead.

Where do the participants step out to?

From a fixed base, the group travels to a different destination every day. Sometimes that’s a rehab clinic, other times a slum. Where something is organized, like in a rehab, testimonies are shared. Both from the participants themselves and from the people in the clinic. There is also always someone who shares the Word and brings an encouraging message. In the slums and with the homeless the emphasis is more on the sharing of food. In all places where they come, it is central that Jesus’ love is shared, people hear about Him and can receive prayer. Because of that, you see many transformations, both inside and out. Healing of soul and body.

A drop in the ocean: the experiences

The transformations are also noticeable in the participants. From being stunned at how God’s love works, for example by not having any irritation in a group of 20 people, to suddenly being able to testify in English. 

Harvey shares:

At the beginning of this year, I received a revelation that a breakthrough would take place in my life and that it would happen this year.
I heard Mark 16:15 and that I would have to preach the Gospel in English. And that has come true… Hallelujah!

2 years ago we started a ministry and this summer we were able to launch it (Care N Harmony). Because of the pictures I shared on TikTok, I have been approached by 3 ministries, and next week I’m allowed to speak in Giethoorn. God is good.

And the people of Brazil itself? Because that is also what it’s about. Is that really a drop in the ocean?

Deetje summarizes it well:

For the first time after my conversion (24 years ago) I physically felt, in Brazil, that I walked in a world full of need, as if I possessed Jesus’ hands and feet – in Brazil I really identified with Him. Walking on the street between all the homeless people, praying with all who were so hungry to God’s touch in their lives in the slums, hugging all the orphans, and encouraging so many addicted people who in clinics were trying to build up a clear and especially a respectful life again… It was all love of God the Father to people in deep processes in their lives. Many here in the Western world think, isn’t that a drop in the ocean, but I have been able to tell many now that we have shared more than earthly food. The heavenly love of the Father changed many hopeless situations into hopeful progress to climb out of poverty and sorrow. There in Brazil, I learned that no action out of God’s love is in vain. Everybody truly needs the love of God.

Sometimes you don’t see or feel the effect until later

Prayer is powerful, even when you don’t always see the effect. That God works, is a fact and sometimes is only visible after a longer period of time. Take Camila for example, a woman in the rehab clinic who had experienced a visit of One in Him 6 months before. At the time she was just admitted, emaciated, addicted, and didn’t have a relationship with Jesus. While if you would meet her on the street now, she comes across as a healthy, vibrant woman. She only wanted to receive more fire of the Spirit and a deeper relationship with Jesus. Amen?

Also among the participants the effect takes place later. Mireille says:

I myself experienced that the effect only came when I was back in the Netherlands. In Brazil ,I was really taken out of my comfort zone. For example, by living together 24/7 and sharing everything with others in the group. And by praying for each other, witnessing, and sharing your feelings. You learn to be very vulnerable toward each other and learn that everyone walks their own path in faith. I feel much more powerful in my faith now. I now pray for people very spontaneously. Really feel the Holy Spirit who works through me. I also speak very highly to other Christians to take this journey. And also about how Johan and Brenda have built this up in faith.


So mission trips make the difference in someone’s life, sometimes in the mission traveler himself, other times in the people you visit. Like Deetje said beautifully: God’s love is not in vain. God’s love is not a drop in the ocean, but fills the whole ocean.