In December, the last open-air crusade of the year for Johan Toet Ministries took place. In Guadalajara, Mexico, thousands of people came to an event called Festival de Vida. It was the first time that the organization rolled out this concept. And with success.

Nerve-wracking for a moment

A couple of hours before the festival started, the situation occurred that the event might not happen at all. How come? There was a disagreement about where the stage was stationed. Although the organization had the right permits, there was still pushback. Now this wasn’t the first time that something was against us, the evil one always wants to stop the open-air crusades. But that’s why Johan Toet Ministries also knows how they have to deal with this, mainly in the spiritual. Eventually, the redeeming word came and Festival de Vida could take place. People came from all corners to watch.

The festival

For everyone present, it seemed like they came to a free festival. It is indeed correct that everything is free, the well-known band that plays, the theater on the stage, the food packages being given away, and the lottery with big prizes, cost them nothing. But in the midst of all that fun and dancing, Johan Toet appears on the stage and tells them about who has paid the price for the festival: Jesus. And that He has also paid for the redemption of every person present with His precious blood. He calls people to accept Jesus as Lord and Savior. And many do. That is how Festival de Vida works. People are received warmly and enjoy a free event. Nothing shows that it is Christian, in fact, that is what “lures” them, until the powerful Gospel is shared with the visitors.


Hundreds of people came to faith and many were delivered. The police were also especially interested and wanted to receive prayer and the books of Johan.

Maria was one of the lucky ones who won a prize in the lottery. She was actually on the way to a book fair in the city, but it turned out not to be there. That’s why she wanted to go home again but then she saw the event. She doubted, would she go home or stay for a while to take a look at the event? She signed herself up and won a motor in the lottery. ‘God brought me here for a reason’, she said. ‘He saved me this year already when I was on the brink of death, and now He shows me that He is thinking of me again.’

Watch the video below for an impression of the open-air crusade.

Festival de Vida in 7 countries

In the year 2025, Festival de Vida is planned in 7 countries already. If Mexico was only a sneak peek, then much can be expected. Are you curious how this will go next year? And would you like to help build? Then visit our donation page.