Effective evangelizing

Do you want to know how you can witness about Jesus subtly and effectively in daily life?

Then download this free step-by-step plan.

In this mini step-by-step plan, you will find 5 essential keys that will help you spread the Gospel. The practical steps will ensure that you can make an impact in a way that isn’t forceful or negative.

Why this step-by-step plan?

  1. Evangelization is not just a task; it’s a calling to share the good news of King Jesus. Everyone does this in his own way, but sometimes that is less effective than you would like. Johan Toet feels called (Ephesians 4:11-12) to help you with that.
  2. In addition, the need for evangelists has never been so greatEvangelists are crucially important when it comes to the winning of souls. But there is not enough attention for them and too little evangelists are empowered.
  3. Jesus says in Matthew 24:14 that this Gospel of the Kingdom must be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.
    Although the harvest is great, the “lack of laborers” still remains, which Jesus already spoke about in Matthew 9:37. We want to break that lack with this mini step-by-step plan.

Everyone can evangelize, and with this step-by-step plan, you can do that in the style that suits you and with a successful result.

What makes this step-by-step plan unique:

  • Applicable to everyone who wants to evangelize more and more effectively, whether you have the gift of an evangelist or not. 
  • Clear Bible references for every key
  • Example prayers, conversations, and practical tips
  • Written with a positive message as an objective

How to download?

Fill in the form below to receive our mini step-by-step plan ‘5 Keys to Effective Evangelizing’.

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