Campaign Barquisimeto

This campaign

vangelizing in the most dangerous country in the world

Everyone is advised against campaigning in Venezuela. It would be too dangerous. A broken country, with a lot of  corruption, hunger and need. That sounds like a country you should avoid. Yet Johan Toet knew that God wanted him there. Right there. The recent evangelistic campaigns clearly show why.

 Difficulties setting up something in a foreign count

 Johan Toet has previously set foot in Brazil, Mexico and Colombia. This requires a lot of fighting spirit and prayer. ‘It takes quite some effort to organize an evangelism campaign. Especially in a country where you are foreign to “and therefore know only a few people,’ Johan shares. ‘You are dealing with religion, and churches that want to do things their own way. The great commission is not often used as a starting point. I don’t really know why. Why things go the way they do. I find that difficult because we are one body. We must join hands and proclaim the Gospel together.”

 The situation in Venezuela

 Venezuela was scheduled for an evangelization campaignin October. A country that Johan feels strongly guided towards. To give an idea of the current economical climate, imagine that most people earn between five to ten dollars a month. They stand in line all day to buy fuel? All resources are scarce. Everything is destined for export, and local people have almost nothing to live on. The country is a mess. What is striking is that the people are totally oppressed by this situation. With that, many souls can be reached  through the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

 Help from an unexpected source

The preparations for the great evangelization moment are still in progress when something remarkable happens. The national press picks up the news that Johan Toet is in the country. A foreign evangelist in Venezuela? They find this exceptional because no one dares to cross the border anymore. The evangelization campaign receives attention in the newspapers, on social media and in the news.

Because Johan also has the opportunity to speak to various people, from pastors to runners of the March of Christ, advertising is created in a way that every ambitious advertising agency dreams of. Only God’s working hand can cause such a chain of events and natural promotion. During the March itself;  there are already thousands of people who either accept Jesus or receive the fire of the Holy Spirit. 

Miraculous number

And then the time has come. The evangelization campaigns in Barquisimeto, the capital of Lara state in western Venezuela starts. 

The first evening is already a mega success, thousands pour in, the place is packed with people. They are hungry for God. And they get what they came for. Many thousands accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior after Johan’s raw message that he preaches.

One healing after another is taking place and people are empowered.

It is an evening of signs and wonders; and a mega harvest for the Kingdom of God.

 Johan challenges them to come back the next day with all their family, with people who need healing, and friends and acquaintances who also need Jesus. And they respond to that. It is the second day of the campaigns in Barquisimeto.  200The places in front of the stage are filling up.

And full.

And fuller.

Buses come from various cities and towns, packed with people yearning for the message of Jesus. Such full buses are remarkable given the problems with oil and the great scarcity. But Johan Toet Ministries has also provided for this. And so more than 20,000 people find the stage where Johan preaches the Gospel.

Thousands of people come forward in tears to say yes to Jesus their Savior.

Miracle after miracle

Johan wants to serve and bless everyone. After the sermon, he decides to walk through the crowd.There he sees the faces of people who are searching, of those who may have gone astray. Of those who seek healing and deliverance. They want change. And they believe that Jesus can bring that change because they push themselves towards Johan. As he lays hands on the people to left and to the  right, they begin to touch him; on his shoulder, head, ear, arms. They rub the sweat from his head on their own. It reminds Johan of Jesus on his way to Jairus and pushing through the crowd. The people reach out in faith. They want a breakthrough! They want healing! They want Jesus! And that happens.

Into the prisons

The evangelization campaign in Barquisimeto was, in one word: powerful. Afterwards, Johan speaks with major leaders in Venezuela, including people from the government. They give him ‘the key to Venezuela,’ says Johan, ‘We have been given access to the most dangerous prisons and to hold events there. We can also do campaigns in every city in collaboration with all churches. The special thing is that the churches have decided to join forces and put their differences aside. So that the body of Christ can become stronger, so that we can make a difference in the country and it can finally come out of the darkness.”

 A new era for Venezuela

The unity of the churches in Venezuela, working together as one body, is something we must do worldwide. “I believe history has been written,” says Johan, “A new era has begun because people will never be the same after their encounter with King Jesus.”

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