3 examples of thousands of cures in Mexico

This campaign

Johan and Brenda Toet evangelised in Mexico last weekend. As usual, God confirmed His Word with miracles and signs. Thousands of people in slums, prisons and in the open air campaign were healed and accepted Jesus as their Lord and Saviour.

The organisation around evangelism
Johan and Brenda, with the help of many, spread the Gospel in South America, mainly through open-air campaigns. But before a single campaign can be carried out, a lot of organization is needed. The same is true in Mexico. Previously, Johan, Brenda and their team had been organizing for months. They have to contact local churches and other institutions, set dates, build a stage, arrange the prizes to be given away – such as motorbikes, TVs, fridges, tablets and phones – and the publicity. And this is just a small sample of the work involved.

3 special events
But once everything is sorted out, the harvest can begin to be reaped. In Mexico, an outdoor campaign, a visit to one of the largest prisons and an event for women were planned. Filled with anticipation, Johan and Brenda go into all the events and not without reason. Everywhere, God is clearly present and heals people in large numbers.

Cures during the open-air campaign
The outdoor campaign is open to everyone. To attract people, free gifts are handed out. With the prize in hand, listeners hear the Gospel. They are given the opportunity to accept Jesus and receive healing.

One example is a deaf and dumb woman. Accompanied by her mother, she comes to Johan. Although she has never been to church before, she wants prayer and healing. When Johan prays for her, she spontaneously begins to speak in tongues and bursts into tears. Her mother’s jaw drops as she hears sounds from her daughter’s mouth that she has never heard before. They look at each other and start jumping for joy. God is so good!

Then a big guy comes up. One of those guys you meet at the gym, only that doesn’t apply to him. In fact, two years ago he had an accident that damaged his knee. After several operations, he still couldn’t bend his knee or go through life without severe pain. But seconds after the laying on of hands, his knee is completely flexible again. He can’t believe it: completely pain-free and with 100% freedom of movement.

Healing a Cuban girl
The healing doesn’t stop there. Brenda travels to a large Baptist church where a women’s event has been organized with her visit as the centerpiece. In the church, located in the middle of the slum, Brenda bears witness to God and shares her story. One woman after another is moved. Damages caused by adultery and relationships with different men are healed in the name of Jesus.

Of all the work God does among women, there is one moment that has particularly stuck in Brenda’s memory. As she walked to the car, ready to leave, a girl approached her. She had been waiting. Like many other women who had just heard Brenda speak, she is from Cuba and has fled to Mexico. For three years she has been suffering from a bacteria in her body that hurts her a lot. Brenda prays for her very briefly, but immediately the girl shouts: “Hey, it’s gone! She walks over to a small wall, sits on it and wiggles a bit. It turns out that she hadn’t been able to sit normally for two years because of the bacteria she had mostly on her buttocks and upper legs. And now he had no problem at all.

God confirms His Word
Mark 16:20 says: “They went everywhere and preached the gospel, and the Lord co-operated and confirmed the Word with the signs that followed”. This is what Johan and Brenda continually see and experience. People come, hear the Word for the first time and without any doubt believe it. There is no religion, legalism or belief. They don’t think: I haven’t prayed enough, I haven’t done enough, I haven’t fought enough, I haven’t fasted enough. I still have sin in my life and therefore my healing has not yet come. No, these people receive healing because Jesus paid for their sicknesses and weaknesses. It is an inheritance for a child of God and they can walk in it. These people simply believe what has been said and accept it. That is the ground on which God can work. Amen.

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