Johan Toet

Johan was born in the Schilderswijk district of The Hague on August 14, 1971. With a father who was an alcoholic and a working-class neighborhood full of darkness, rejection, violence and crime were the ingredients of his childhood. Johan copied what he saw and lived the years of his youth as a coke-addicted, money hungry, completely derailed criminal.

Time and time again, Johan ended up in jail and he wasn’t good enough for anybody. Not for his father, not for the neighborhood, not for his friends, not for his first love, not for society and not for himself.

Johan made a decision: ‘I’ll grab anything I can get and will become the greatest criminal in the country’. He took a lot but it was never enough. Until he was arrested himself. Literally and figuratively. After years of madness and excessive drug use, immersed in luxury and in darkness, the curtain fell in 2002. Johan was sentenced to almost fifteen years in prison.

In 2005, Johan was overcome by the unconditional love of God. He came with His love and grace as a tsunami and completely transformed Johan.
Jesus radically turned his life upside down.

After his supernatural encounter with God in his cell, he knew only one thing: ‘The world must know this’. Johan was so taken by the fire and the passion of Jesus that he immediately knew: ‘I will go all over the world and witness to everyone who crosses my path about the incredible goodness and love of God!’.

When Johan was released after ten years, his wife Brenda, his parents, his brother, and his children all came to faith too. He had a new life and a new beginning.

After having studied and served at Charis Bible College of Andrew Wommack Ministries, a whole new adventure started in 2016. God called Johan and Brenda into the ministry and founded the One in Him Foundation. With it, they organize mission trips to Brazil, where they also have built a mission house. There they train and disciple fellow believers and get them ready to make a difference in the world. Aside from that, they also organize One Basics study groups worldwide and hold One Events yearly.


The greatest passion of Johan is the winning of souls for the Kingdom of God. He does this by holding large open-air campaigns yearly for tens of thousands of people worldwide and by going into the slums with the Gospel truck to preach the good news of the Gospel.

Johan Toet Ministries gives away many tens of thousands of food packages and other products each year. God has shown Johan: ‘Never go to the lost sheep empty handed, don’t just tell them, but also show them that I love them’. Johan has responded to this, he has a love for man, a heart for the world, and an ear for the calling voice of God.

The goal of Johan Toet Ministries is to reach as many people as possible for King Jesus in the shortest amount of time possible. To preach a living God to a dying world.
For this, Johan and Brenda have laid their lives on the altar.

In Matthew 24:14, Jesus says: ‘And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come’.

Johan is called to preach the simple message of the Gospel of the Kingdom all over the world and his motivation to do this is the incredible grace and the unconditional love of God for each person on this earth.

In addition to being an evangelist, Johan Toet is also an author who has written three books which are being distributed for free worldwide.

“I am a child of God, I am a disciple of Jesus, I am Johan.”

Johan Toet
